The preparatory students flocked to the paddock, ready to cheer like their lives depended on it, as the four houses braced for battle. Fifty determined contestants stood tall, focused on victory, but five minutes in, the cracks began to show. By the fifteen-minute mark, a staggering forty had dropped out, leaving a battlefield of just two for Crick and Parker, three for Storrs, and five for Whiston.

Elizabeth A (Y5W) managed to beat her 17-minute personal best from last year, tying with Alfie W (Y7W) for second place after an impressive 20 minutes of sheer willpower (and a little regret). Finally, our eight winners, who showed nerves of steel (and even stronger stomachs) were left, lasting a heroic 22 minutes. A special shout-out to Lucy B (Y4C), who turned up fashionably late but still held on until the bitter end. Well done to all of our contestants and supporters, it was an event to remember! Special thanks to Mr Everson and Mr Morgan for overseeing the competition. 


Oscar M (Y8P)

Seth G (Y8W)

Nicky S (Y8C)

Ben H (Y7P)

Annabelle G (Y6S)

Omar D (Y7S)

Hugo J (Y6W)

Ruaraidh M (Y6W)

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