Fifteen of King’s most talented musicians presented a delightfully varied programme at the Lent Term Scholars’ Concert. There was a warm reception from the audience greeting pupils from Year 7 through to the Upper Sixth as they all performed with real skill and commitment.

Among the many highlights that evening, impressive dexterity was seen in the virtuosic solos by Bobby L (U6) on the trumpet, Charlie B (L5) on the violin and Toby S (U6) on the French horn, while we also witnessed special poise and sensitivity from Romy J (R), Percy N (R) and Elizabeth K (U6) all singing, Alex M (L5) on the clarinet, John F (L6) and Lucy M (U6) on the piano and Reuben D (U5) on the trumpet.

The Music Department was pleased to invite for the first time our youngest Music Scholars from the Preparatory School to participate in this event. Clarinettist Albert B (7M) and marimba player Emma H (8W) both gave enjoyable performances, demonstrating the emerging talent among our younger pupils.

Congratulations go to all performers on an excellent evening of high-quality music-making in front of an audience which included our Principal, as well as the Bishop of Rochester and Mr Chesterfield, sponsor of our coveted organ scholarship. The concert was a great success, with special thanks also going to Miss Roux for superb accompaniments at the piano, Mrs Binney for front-of-house preparations and the King’s Estates and Marketing teams for logistical arrangements, without all of which such great events could not take place.

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