We are delighted to share that two of our Upper Sixth pupils have received Oxbridge offers this week – a testament to their hard work and dedication. Congratulations to Massimo M, who has received an offer from Selwyn College, Cambridge to read Languages and, in his own words, is ‘elated’ with the news.

When congratulated by the Principal Mr Charles, Massimo said “I am elated, it feels surreal to receive an offer and I am so glad to know that my hard work has paid off. I certainly feel the pressure now and I am determined to fulfil my offer.”

Massimo has always had a passion for languages and for A Levels is studying English, French and Spanish. Thinking ahead he wants to pursue his love of languages and after his degree “I will be keen to continue research on language and culture by staying in academia and possibly doing a PhD, particularly on dialect preservation.”

Massimo joined King’s in Year 9 and has never looked back. “King’s has played an important role in helping me discover what I’m passionate about, particularly during Year 12, when I really came into my own. Additionally, the support and encouragement I’ve received from my teachers, along with the Sixth Form environment, has given me the motivation to excel academically while still allowing me to pursue my passion for music.”

Massimo plays the guitar and sings, and his highlights at King’s include “taking part in the various open mic nights playing, guitar both as a solo act and as part of the house band and the carol concerts in the Cathedral”. One of his favourite trips was “going to Spain in 2024 as part of the choir trip, where I had the opportunity to develop my Spanish and enjoy the amazing architecture.”

Congratulations on your amazing news Massimo!

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