On Monday 5th December, Ben Charles, the Principal at King’s School Rochester announced the appointment of Air Commodore John Maas CBE MSc RAF (ret’d) as the new Chair of Governors at the School.

John has served in the RAF for over 35 years in various operational and strategic roles, stationed around the world, which saw him promoted to the rank of Air Commodore and awarded a CBE by Queen Elizabeth II.  He attended King’s from 1972 to 1980 where he also met his wife, Penny, who was one of the first girls to join the School. Currently, John is an independent Aerospace Consultant and a Session Lecturer at Canterbury Christ Church University.

John said, “Returning to Rochester and to the School that set my foundation for adulthood brings back many happy memories for both me and my wife. King’s really did provide for ‘Halycon Days’ and was a fantastic springboard for our chosen careers.  I look forward to supporting both the Governing Body and the Principal as we set a long-term strategy for the School. Our goal is clear: to ensure that King’s continues to thrive and deliver academic and co-curricular excellence to the benefit of all pupils, so they can leave King’s in the certain knowledge they are well prepared for future challenges in an ever-changing world.”  

Ben Charles, Principal of King’s School Rochester, added, “We are delighted to welcome John as our new Chair of Governors.  This starts an exciting new chapter for the School and I am confident that John will bring his considerable expertise, enthusiasm, leadership skills and rigour to the role to ensure all our strategic ambitions are realised.  As an OR, John is deeply invested in the success of the School and the Governing Body and Senior Management team are looking forward to working closely with him.  As we welcome John, I would also like to thank The Very Reverend Dr Philip Hesketh, Dean of Rochester Cathedral, who has been our Acting Chair, for his exceptional support during this transition period and for the time he has given to the School during the rigorous recruitment process to find his successor.”  

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