The Roffensian Foundation
A fundraising entity of King’s School Rochester to support Roffensians past, present and future and our work in the local Medway community.
“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning”
The Campaign for Support
The challenges and opportunities in education have never been greater.
While we will continue to cherish our history and timeless values, we must innovate and adapt in order to stay relevant and to provide our pupils with the best education possible.
Many of the changes we make over the coming years, we will fund and enact ourselves, but we have identified key developments for which we will need help from those who care about the future of King’s School Rochester and our local community.
Please click on the link below to see more information on our specific goals and the benefits it can provide, to the School and our local community.
Learn more about the Roffensian Foundation
Our Objectives
We wish our pupils at King’s and the members of our community to;
- Be happy and fulfilled
- Develop a love of learning through a unique breadth of experience
- Be adaptable and resilient for a fast-paced changing world
- Make an active difference to the lives of others in our community and beyond
- Develop a sense of identity to lead purposeful lives whilst retaining their own individuality
We need to implement a long-term strategy which has significance and relevance for all stakeholders in King’s – past, present and future.
Enabling financial support from the King’s community of alumni, parents and supporters through donations and legacies. With the charitable support of our community, King’s School Rochester has a history of helping children to reach their potential, since our foundation in 604 AD. The funds raised will be allocated to:
- Bursaries to support children for whom an education at King’s provides a truly transformational life opportunity.
- Our specific building development plan.
Our Campaign
Two areas of focus
Foundation Awards
- Our programme of transformational bursaries for talented and financially deserving pupils in the Medway area. This currently supports four pupils but we are targeting eight for the 2027/28 academic year.
- Target – £1 million for 5 years
Inspirational Facilities
- Over the next ten years we have identified three exciting capital projects to provide greater opportunity and excellence for all our pupils and the wider local community.
- Target – £10 million
To achieve these goals, ‘The Roffensian Foundation’, administered by the School, has been created.
For as little as £100 you could help transform a talented child’s life or build a lasting facility which could inspire thousands of children in STEM, the Arts or Sporting pursuits.
How to support us?
Our aim in all of this is to build up the strongest possible community of supporters for King’s to enable the school to go forward with pride and strength.
We hope that you will be inspired by our vision and will feel proud and excited at the prospect of playing a key role in helping to develop King’s for future generations. Donations can be made to either our Foundation Bursaries or Projects campaigns via King’s School, Rochester (Registered charity number 1084266).
If you would like to support us, please contact Mark Snoswell on 01634 888555 or via email msnoswell@kings-rochester.co.uk. You can donate in a number of ways, using the links below:or via email msnoswell@kings-rochester.co.uk. You can donate in a number of ways, using the links below:
• By making a single gift by cheque or by direct transfer to King’s School, Rochester account 55110592 / sort code 60 17 36 quoting ref J112 Roffensian Foundation.
• By making a regular gift by Standing Order, using the details above.
If you are a UK taxpayer, the School can claim gift aid on your contribution, of 25p for every £1, and you can list the donation on your annual tax return, to receive tax relief on the amount given.
• By remembering King’s School Rochester in your Will, or donating in memory of a loved one, is a simple and tax-effective way of making a significant gift to the School. Any gift made in your will, whether in the form of cash, shares, property or other items, is exempt from inheritance tax.
Please click on the links below to download more information on the most appropriate solution for you. Alternatively, please feel free to contact Mark Snoswell at 01634 888555 or via email msnoswell@kings-rochester.co.uk
Meet the Team

Ben Charles
Principal of King’s School Rochester
“The role of the Roffensian Foundation is a significant one in the life of this School. Our Development Office will work closely with the Senior Management Team, Governors, alumni and friends to consider and implement our fundraising programmes for transformational bursaries as well as key aspects of the School’s estate and facilities.”

Mark Snoswell
Development Director
“The objective of the Foundation is to raise support from the King’s community of alumni, parents, and supporters through donations and legacies. This support will be allocated to our specific building development plan and bursaries that will support education at the School. With the charitable support of our community, King’s School Rochester has a history of helping children reach their potential since our foundation in 604AD.”