Your Journey
The best way to get a real sense of King’s School Rochester is to visit us. Meet our pupils, talk to our staff and feel the welcoming and inspiring atmosphere that makes us so unique.
You can experience our School for yourself by joining us at one of our Open Mornings or arranging a private tour during term time on a date that suits you.
Meet our Head of Admissions, Sue Webb
We know that choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Our Admissions team is here to offer guidance and support throughout this process.
Below, you will find essential links regarding the application process at King’s. If you would like to find out more information or register your child for a place, please contact me at or 01634 888590

Nursery & Pre-Preparatory School
The Nursery at King’s School Rochester is co-educational and accepts children the term after their third birthday.
Following your child’s registration and payment of a non-refundable registration fee, an interview with the Head of the Nursery & Pre-Preparatory School will be arranged, to include an informal assessment of your child. If successful, the Head will make a formal offer of a place and ask you to return an Acceptance Form, along with an Acceptance Deposit.
To ensure a smooth transition to King’s we will come and visit your 3 year old at their home environment, prior to a place being offered.
We will also approach your child’s current school for a reference. Only once this has been received will your child’s place be secured.
We encourage all children to attend a taster session in the Nursery prior to starting to familiarise them with their new surroundings, make friends and meet the Nursery team.
We will hold a ‘What you need to know about Nursery’ session at the beginning of each term, after your child has started. Each June there will be an Information Evening for all Nursery parents (current and future) to meet each other, the Nursery team and share key information.
Offers of Reception places are made following an informal interview with the Headmistress and a short, simple assessment of the child, usually carried out by the Deputy Headmistress. All children who are registered for entry are invited to interview. Many children join King’s from other local Nurseries, and our own Nursery School.
We hold Open Mornings twice a year to give you and your child the opportunity to look around the school, as well as information sessions for new Reception parents.
If successful following your child’s registration and visit to School, the Headmistress will make a formal offer of a place and ask you to return an Acceptance Form. An Acceptance Deposit is payable at the time of completing the acceptance form.
We will also approach your child’s current school for a reference. Only once this has been received will your child’s place be secured.
Children who have registered an interest to join the School will be invited to attend a Taster Day which includes a short, simple assessment of the child and a short interview with the parents. Interviews and assessments are designed to be relaxed and informal.
If successful following your child’s registration and visit to School, the Headmistress will make a formal offer of a place and ask you to return an Acceptance Form. An Acceptance Deposit is payable at the time of completing the acceptance form.
We will also approach your child’s current school for a reference. Only once this has been received will your child’s place be secured.
Preparatory School
Year 4 is the first year in our Preparatory School.
All children who have registered an interest in joining the School will be invited to an assessment and interview with the Headmaster of the Preparatory School. The assessment will be in English, Maths and Non-Verbal reasoning. Many children enjoy a Taster Day prior to admission and often visit King’s for the first time on an Open Morning.
Following your child’s registration and visit to School, the Headmaster will make a formal offer of a place and ask you to return an Acceptance Form if you wish your child to join us at King’s. An Acceptance Deposit is payable at the time of completing the acceptance form.
We will also approach your child’s current school for a reference. Only once this has been received will your child’s place be secured.
Every year we hear from our new Year 7 parents that King’s is a great place to get used to being at Senior School. They feel that their children have the best of both worlds – Preparatory and Senior – because, rather than starting life at the bottom of a huge secondary school alongside pupils who already seem like adults, our Year 7s are taught by specialist Senior School teachers in Senior classrooms and alongside older boys and girls from 13 to 18, but have their base within the smaller Preparatory School. This arrangement gives children the time to get used to new, more sophisticated methods of learning with specialist subject teachers, whilst still having the support and space to find their feet and grow in confidence as one of the top two years in the Preparatory School.
All children who have registered an interest in joining the School will be invited to an assessment and interview with the Headmaster of the Preparatory School. The assessment will be in English, Maths and Non-Verbal Reasoning. Many children enjoy a Taster Day prior to admission and often visit King’s for the first time on an Open Morning.
Assessments for 11+ entry take place in the November or March prior to entry on the following September.
If your child is unable to attend either of these Assessment Days, we will be happy to accommodate tests on alternative dates.
Following your child’s registration and visit to School, the Headmaster will make a formal offer of a place and ask you to return an Acceptance Form if you wish your child to join us at King’s. An Acceptance Deposit is payable at the time of completing the acceptance form.
We will also approach your child’s current school for a reference. Only once this has been received will your child’s place be secured.
Senior School & Sixth Form
Many external candidates are admitted to King’s Senior School at Remove (Year 9) after sitting Common Entrance papers in the May/June preceding the September of entry.
Places are also offered following interview and on the basis of school report for those wishing to join King’s from schools which do not prepare pupils for Common Entrance.
Before the examination the pupil is invited to visit with his/her parents for a tour of the School followed by an interview with the Headmaster. He/she is also welcome to spend a day or two in School on a Taster Day either before or after the examination. Many pupils often visit King’s for the first time on an Open Morning.
The primary focus in the Senior School is on academic attainment at GCSE and A Level without early specialisation. Pupils are expected to take 9/10 GCSEs and 3 subjects at A level before applying to University.
Following your child’s registration and visit to School, the Headmaster will make a formal offer of a place and ask you to return an Acceptance Form if you wish your child to join us at King’s. An Acceptance Deposit is payable at the time of completing the acceptance form.
We will also approach your child’s current school for a reference. Only once this has been received will your child’s place be secured.
Pupils wishing to join King’s in the Lower Fifth (Year 10) often visit King’s for the first time on an Open Morning and the join us for a Taster Day getting to know their peer group, staff and King’s routines. They also attend the GCSE Subject Forum Evening held every year in early March, preceding the September of entry.
Pupils are invited to visit with their parents for a tour of the School followed by an interview with the Headmaster.
The primary focus in the Senior School is on academic attainment at GCSE and A Level without early specialisation. Pupils are expected to take 9/10 GCSEs and 3 subjects at A level before applying to University.
Following your child’s registration and visit to School, the Headmaster will make a formal offer of a place and ask you to return an Acceptance Form if you wish your child to join us at King’s. An Acceptance Deposit is payable at the time of completing the acceptance form.
We will also approach your child’s current school for a reference. Only once this has been received will your child’s place be secured.
Sixth Form at King’s is an exciting place to study. Applicants are offered places based on GCSE results, an interview with the Headmaster and school report.
With a broad selection of A level and BTEC subjects on offer plus the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), Sixth Form at King’s is an exciting and challenging place to prepare for Higher Education or career training. Every year our Sixth Form leavers go on to take up places at a wide range of universities from Oxbridge to Russell Group, newer, vocational universities like East London and Hertfordshire and prestigious, specialist institutions such as The Royal Academy and Royal College of Music. King’s prides itself on supporting and advising all Sixth Formers to be able to get to the universities and colleges and on to the courses they want to set them on their chosen career paths.
Pupils require five 9 to 4 grades with a 6 in those subjects chosen for A level study, although for Modern Foreign Languages, Maths or Science, a 7 or above is preferred.
Many external Sixth Form candidates visit King’s for the first time on an Open Morning and then join us for a Taster Day. They also attend the Sixth Form Information Evening held annually in the Michaelmas Term, preceding the September of entry.
Following your child’s registration and visit to School, the Headmaster will make a formal offer of a place and ask you to return an Acceptance Form if you wish your child to join us at King’s. An Acceptance Deposit is payable at the time of completing the acceptance form.
We will also approach your child’s current school for a reference. Only once this has been received will your child’s place be secured.
Boarding Pupils
All children who have registered an interest in joining the School will be invited to an assessment and interview with the Headmaster of the Preparatory School. The assessment will be in English, Maths and Non-Verbal Reasoning. We will also request consent to approach your child’s current school for a reference. Many children enjoy a Taster Day prior to admission and often visit King’s for the first time on an Open Morning.
Assessments for 11+ entry take place in the November or March prior to the September of entry.
If your child is unable to attend either of these Assessment Days, we will be happy to accommodate tests on alternative dates.
Following your child’s registration and visit to School, the Headmaster will make a formal offer of a place and ask you to return an Acceptance Form if you wish your child to join us at King’s. An Acceptance Deposit is payable at the time of completing the acceptance form.
Before the examination the pupil is invited to visit with his/her parents for a tour of the School followed by an interview with the Headmaster. He/she is also welcome to spend a day or two in School on a Taster Day either before or after the examination. Many pupils often visit King’s for the first time on an Open Morning.
International students will be invited to attend a Skype interview with the Headmaster.
Places are also offered following interview and on the basis of school report for those wishing to join King’s from schools which do not prepare pupils for Common Entrance.
The primary focus in the Senior School is on academic attainment at GCSE and A Level without early specialisation. Pupils are expected to take 9/10 GCSEs and 3 subjects at A level before applying to University.
Following your child’s registration and visit to School, the Headmaster will make a formal offer of a place and ask you to return an Acceptance Form if you wish your child to join us at King’s. An Acceptance Deposit is payable at the time of completing the acceptance form.
Pupils are invited to visit with their parents for a tour of the School followed by an interview with the Headmaster. International students will be invited to attend a Skype interview with the Headmaster.
The primary focus in the Senior School is on academic attainment at GCSE and A Level without early specialisation. Pupils are expected to take 9/10 GCSEs and 3 subjects at A level before applying to University.
Following your child’s registration and visit to School, the Headmaster will make a formal offer of a place and ask you to return an Acceptance Form if you wish your child to join us at King’s. An Acceptance Deposit is payable at the time of completing the acceptance form.
Sixth Form at King’s is an exciting place to study. Applicants are offered places based on GCSE results, an interview with the Headmaster and school report.
With 23 A level subjects on offer plus the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). Sixth Form at King’s is an exciting and challenging place to prepare for Higher Education or career training. Every year our Sixth Form leavers go on to take up places at a wide range of universities from Oxbridge to Russell Group, newer, vocational universities like East London and Hertfordshire and prestigious, specialist institutions such as The Royal Academy and Royal College of Music. King’s prides itself on supporting and advising all Sixth Formers to be able to get to the universities and colleges and on to the courses they want to set them on their chosen career paths.
Pupils require five 9 to 4 grades with a 6 in those subjects chosen for A level study, although for Modern Foreign Languages, Maths or Science, a 7 or above is preferred.
Many external Sixth Form candidates visit King’s for the first time on an Open Morning and then join us for a Taster Day. They also attend the Sixth Form Subject Forum Evening held annually in the Michaelmas Term, preceding the September of entry.
Following your child’s registration and visit to School, the Headmaster will make a formal offer of a place and ask you to return an Acceptance Form if you wish your child to join us at King’s. An Acceptance Deposit is payable at the time of completing the acceptance form.
International Pupils
We assess all applicants on the basis of their school reports, qualifications achieved to date (if appropriate) and the reference from their current Headmaster/ Headmistress as well as on the face to face or Skype interview with the Principal or the Headmaster of the appropriate School.
Pupils of all ages sit papers in English and Mathematics and pupils wishing to enter Years 7 or 8 also sit tests in Non Verbal Reasoning.
We assess every applicant’s level of English as part of the application process. For students under 18, we require applicants to take our English test under supervised conditions, either here at King’s or under examination conditions in their own school by special arrangement or in their local British Council office.
Our English as an Additional Language (EAL) department co-ordinates the programme of extra English lessons for our international students. An experienced teacher provides tuition as appropriate depending on ability. Upon joining the school, the English ability of each overseas student is reassessed so that an individual programme of EAL lessons may be devised, and this is monitored regularly so that lessons can be increased or reduced accordingly.
Assessments for 11+ International Boarders may be taken at any time during the year preceding their entry to King’s.
Following your child’s registration and visit to School, the Headmaster will make a formal offer of a place and ask you to return an Acceptance Form if you wish your child to join us at King’s. An Acceptance Deposit is payable at the time of completing the acceptance form.
Before the examination the pupil is invited to visit with his/her parents for a tour of the School followed by an interview with the Headmaster. He/she is also welcome to spend a day or two in School on a Taster Day either before or after the examination. Many pupils often visit King’s for the first time on an Open Morning.
We assess all applicants on the basis of their school reports, qualifications achieved to date (if appropriate) and the reference from their current Headmaster/ Headmistress as well as on the face to face or Skype interview with the Principal or the Headmaster of the appropriate part of King’s.
Pupils of all ages sit papers in English and Mathematics.
We assess every applicant’s level of English as part of the application process. For students under 18, we require applicants to take our English test under supervised conditions, either here at King’s or under examination conditions in their own school by special arrangement or in their local British Council office.
Our English as an Additional Language (EAL) department co-ordinates the programme of extra English lessons for our international students. An experienced teacher provides tuition as appropriate depending on ability. Upon joining the school, the English ability of each overseas student is reassessed so that an individual programme of EAL lessons may be devised, and this is monitored regularly so that lessons can be increased or reduced accordingly.
The primary focus in the Senior School is on academic attainment at GCSE and A Level without early specialisation. Pupils are expected to take 9/10 GCSEs and 3 subjects at A level before applying to University.
Following your child’s registration and visit to School, the Headmaster will make a formal offer of a place and ask you to return an Acceptance Form if you wish your child to join us at King’s. An Acceptance Deposit is payable at the time of completing the acceptance form.
Pupils are invited to visit with their parents for a tour of the School followed by an interview with the Headmaster. International students will be invited to attend a Skype interview with the Headmaster.
We assess all applicants on the basis of their school reports, qualifications achieved to date (if appropriate) and the reference from their current Headmaster/ Headmistress as well as on the face to face or Skype interview with the Principal or the Headmaster of the appropriate part of King’s.
Pupils of all ages sit papers in English and Mathematics.
We assess every applicant’s level of English as part of the application process. For students under 18, we require applicants to take our English test under supervised conditions, either here at King’s or under examination conditions in their own school by special arrangement or in their local British Council office.
Our English as an Additional Language (EAL) department co-ordinates the programme of extra English lessons for our international students. An experienced teacher provides tuition as appropriate depending on ability. Upon joining the school, the English ability of each overseas student is reassessed so that an individual programme of EAL lessons may be devised, and this is monitored regularly so that lessons can be increased or reduced accordingly.
The primary focus in the Senior School is on academic attainment at GCSE and A Level without early specialisation. Pupils are expected to take 9/10 GCSEs and 3 subjects at A level before applying to University.
Following your child’s registration and visit to School, the Headmaster will make a formal offer of a place and ask you to return an Acceptance Form if you wish your child to join us at King’s. An Acceptance Deposit is payable at the time of completing the acceptance form.
Sixth Form at King’s is an exciting place to study. Applicants are offered places based on GCSE results, an interview with the Headmaster and school report.
With 23 A level subjects on offer plus the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). Sixth Form at King’s is an exciting and challenging place to prepare for Higher Education or career training. Every year our Sixth Form leavers go on to take up places at a wide range of universities from Oxbridge to Russell Group, newer, vocational universities like East London and Hertfordshire and prestigious, specialist institutions such as The Royal Academy and Royal College of Music. King’s prides itself on supporting and advising all Sixth Formers to be able to get to the universities and colleges and on to the courses they want to set them on their chosen career paths.
Pupils require five 9 to 4 grades with a 6 in those subjects chosen for A level study, although for Modern Foreign Languages, Maths or Science, a 7 or above is preferred.
We assess all applicants on the basis of their school reports, qualifications achieved to date (if appropriate) and the reference from their current Headmaster/ Headmistress as well as on the face to face or Skype interview with the Principal or the Headmaster of the appropriate part of King’s.
Pupils of all ages sit papers in English and Mathematics and pupils wishing to enter Year 12, five 4 grades at GCSE or equivalent are required with a 6 grade or equivalent in the subjects to be studied at A Level. IELTS 5.5 is minimum requirement and IELTS 6.0 is preferred.
We assess every applicant’s level of English as part of the application process. For students under 18, we require applicants to take our English test under supervised conditions, either here at King’s or under examination conditions in their own school by special arrangement or in their local British Council office.
Our English as an Additional Language (EAL) department co-ordinates the programme of extra English lessons for our international students. An experienced teacher provides tuition as appropriate depending on ability. Upon joining the school, the English ability of each overseas student is reassessed so that an individual programme of EAL lessons may be devised, and this is monitored regularly so that lessons can be increased or reduced accordingly.
Many external Sixth Form candidates visit King’s for the first time on an Open Morning and then join us for a Taster Day. They also attend the Sixth Form Subject Forum Evening held annually in the Michaelmas Term, preceding the September of entry.
Following your child’s registration and visit to School, the Headmaster will make a formal offer of a place and ask you to return an Acceptance Form if you wish your child to join us at King’s. An Acceptance Deposit is payable at the time of completing the acceptance form.