Our Sixth Form School Council members recently had the privilege to attend Medway Youth Council’s Annual Student Conference, held at Mid Kent College. Read a write up by Ella J(Lower Sixth) below:

“The theme of the conference this year was Identity. It brought together a vast array of young people, from different ages and backgrounds. The event hosted seminars on racism and homophobia and introduced us to charities and youth organisations on our doorstep. It also provided the opportunity to talk to people we might not otherwise have had the luck to meet.

At the end of the event, a Q&A session was held. It allowed conference attendees to question a panel of local government and community officials on the work done to increase inclusivity in Medway. We were particularly impressed with just how much work was going on, and the extent of opportunities available for us to get involved with. This was our second year in attendance and the conference was an incredibly worthwhile experience. It is good to know that there are passionate people all around, and that our voices can make a real difference.” 

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