We announce that our Principal, Ben Charles, will be stepping down at the end of this academic year to take up the prestigious role of Head of Foundation at King’s School Worcester, starting in September 2025. While we are very sad to see Mr Charles and his family leave King’s, we deeply appreciate the exceptional dedication and leadership he has brought to King’s School Rochester over the past six years. 

Mr Charles has guided the School through significant challenges, including the Covid lock downs. He has led the School with distinction, as reflected in our strong ISI inspection reports. His unwavering commitment to our community and the values of HEART (Happiness, Endeavour, Aspiration, Roundedness and Teamwork) has left a lasting impact, and he will leave the School in a strong position for the future, well-prepared to navigate sector challenges.

Alongside Mr Charles, his wife Helen, who is also a teacher at King’s, and their children, who have been an integral part of our school community, will join him in Worcester. They will be greatly missed, and we are deeply grateful for the contributions they have made to school life.

As we look to the future, the Governors have already launched the process to appoint a successor who will continue to build on Mr Charles’s legacy and lead King’s into the next chapter. In the meantime, Mr Charles remains fully committed to steering the School through this transition and ensuring continuity for pupils and families.

We thank him for his invaluable contributions and wish him, Helen, and their family every success. 

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