Day 1
The House Step Challenge: Our boarders enjoyed a sunset walk along the River Medway – completing over 20,000 steps!
Day 2
Sustainability Projects: The boarders were buzzing for sustainability! St Margaret’s crafted bee boxes, while School House planted flowers to decorate our picnic benches.
Day 3
Boarding House Quiz: Bianca took gold on the “How well do you know each other?” and general knowledge quiz night.
Day 4
Get Outdoors for Summer Solstice : sunshine and smores at School House!
Day 5
Film Festival: the boarders watched Inside Out, the Lion King and The Fall Guy.
Day 6
Wellness and Mindfulness: The boarders spent the day at Thorpe Park.
Photos are owned by Thorpe Park
Day 7
Thank a Houseparent: Housemasters recieved letters of thanks from the Boarders.
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