The day followed the traditional program of Service in the Cathedral at which the Right Rev Nick Papadopoulos OR (1977-84) gave an excellent sermon, painting examples how pupils at King’s have benefits which are hard to match elsewhere. The service also paid tribute to Markham Chesterfield who has become the School’s first Governor Emeritus after 50 years of voluntary service to King’s since the 1970’s. Given his love for the organ the School commissioned a special piece of music, the Chesterfield Fanfare, written by Hugh Davies OR (2019-2024) and played in public for the first time on the magnificent Cathedral organ.

Mr Charles invited the ORs and guests to join him for drinks in Oriel House, where memories and stories about life during, and since, being pupils at King’s were shared. This was especially prevalent in the group of 1984 leavers. Then there was a chance to celebrate when Zabrina Wilton, the OR Chairperson presented the OR Bursary awards to Chloe S and James M.

Whilst a BBQ lunch in St Margaret’s Gardens was being enjoyed by many, on the School House netball court an enthusiastic School side took on the might of the ORs and lost! Meanwhile on the Paddock a cricket contest also took place which resulted in a remarkable tie! A first for King’s!.

During the innings break the School held a moving tree planting ceremony to commemorate former colleagues Jamie Carr, Yvonne Jackson, Aije Barnes and Natalie Gould who had all passed away in the Spring. A plaque in memory of their lives was unveiled and their families helped to plant and bless the trees.

With the matches and formal events completed the ORs, friends and guests made their way home, or to local venues, to further reminisce and enjoy the company of their old friends and acquaintances.

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