Neil Jones, the Tower Captain for Rochester Cathedral and the Current Chairman of the KCACR (Kent County Association of Change Ringers), spoke about bell ringing at the Prep School assembly this week and encouraged Y7 and Y8 to join the school bell ringing club next term. He explained how it was an adventurous, friendly, and unique activity which is fun and can be used to achieve the DofE award.
Many pupils agreed they have enjoyed listening to the bells ringing before the Cathedral services without fully understanding the complex art of change ringing, which involves a fascinating array of mathematical patterns. Neil spoke about the adventure, which begins with 100 stone spiral steps tucked invisibly away in the mysterious labyrinths of the bell tower. At the top, the views are spectacular as you walk across the Cathedral roof into the Ringing Chamber. There you see 10 ropes attached to the 10 bells above in the bell chamber. Each bell weighs between 300kg to 1500kg (1.5 tonnes), though pupils would start on a lighter bell! They were shown the technique of ringing which causes the clapper to strike the inside of the bell.
Neil explained how this is a unique activity. The British Isles is home to around 5,500 full circle towers, the rest of the world has less than 300 put together! Bell ringers are always welcome to join practice nights at any bell tower around the country. This is a great way to meet people at university or when travelling and you get paid ringing for weddings too. Bell ringing is a team activity that stimulates the brain and helps keep you fit. Once gained, bell ringing is a skill for life you will never forget, and it can open a lifetime of experiences and enjoyment. The bell ringing team are looking forward to welcoming pupils into the bell tower and teaching them the unique skill of bell ringing.
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