Each year pupils, parents and staff at King’s collect products for The Hygiene Bank Medway. We were incredibly impressed and proud of the generosity of our community this year.

In the Preparatory School, we ran a fun interform competition to see who could gather the most items. It soon became a big event for our pupils and they have been bringing in more items each day. But there can only be one winner, so congratulations to 6H, who won on 28th February by doubling the number of donations the rest of the Preparatory School had collected till then. A particularly generous donation of a large number of personal hygiene kits, including a range of items, was made by a King’s family – thank you!

On Wednesday, Emma Thomas, Volunteer Project Coordinator at The Hygiene Bank Medway, came in to collect the items and was astonished by the generosity. The outpouring of support from the King’s School Rochester community has been truly overwhelming. Your donations will help us provide essential hygiene and cleaning products to those who need them the most.

Miss Hannah Catlett, Director of Co-Curriculum 

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