King’s School Rochester was delighted to welcome Brigadier Salzano for the biennial inspection of the Combined Cadet Force contingent last week.
On top of meeting all inspection requirements, Brigadier Salzano commented, “My overall impression was that cadet turnout and training was of a very high standard. The broad learning and adventure activities on offer provide pupils with the best possible experience to have fun and to develop character and independence in a safe and controlled environment.”Ben Charles, Principal of King’s School Rochester, added, “It is our core belief that our pupils learn as much outside the classroom as they do in lessons. In the Senior School, we run a broad co-curricular programme every Friday afternoon and this includes the Combined Cadet Force. King’s is unique in offering all three contingents (Air Force, Navy and Army) for our pupils to choose from and, thanks to our specialist military and civilian instructors, our pupils grow in self-confidence, self-discipline and motivation – skills essential for any path they choose in life beyond school”.

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