On Thursday, Remove and Lower Fifth students were invited to participate in a workshop on the theme of Culture and Identity. This event formed part of our Language and Culture Week celebrations and was delivered by MACA, Medway African and Caribbean Association. MACA is a local charity which promotes diversity and inclusivity within our community, through arts, educational and social programmes.

King’s pupils were first guided in a reflection on what culture is. Many aspects of cultural identity were discussed, from food, to religious beliefs, music tastes (Afrobeats & Pop seemed the most popular) and other forms of artistic heritage.

In the second part of the workshop, all pupils investigated their identity by designing hand-shaped patterns highlighting what makes them who they are. Our pupils stated that family, friends, team work, athleticism, musical talents, ethnic background heritage and linguistic diversity, are amongst the many elements they are proud of.

Rich with new knowledge about their friends, pupils continued to engage in conversation on identity and culture throughout the day, even as late as House Music rehearsal! Audio recordings were made and played on BBC Radio Kent this morning – listen here to the interview with Dr Carol Stewart, MACA chairperson, on the Dominic King show (scroll to 1:50:10 to hear the interview).

Mrs Wiltshire wishes to thank all participants, pupils and staff for their involvement, as well as Yeni Fadiya (Youth Project worker) and Dr Carol Stewart (Chairperson) for their enthusiasm, relatability and generosity.

To find out more about MACA, please visit their website.

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