In what was hopefully the first of many such occasions, some of our music scholars were treated to a series of workshops followed by an evening recital by international touring concert pianist, Ashley Fripp.

The afternoon commenced with performances from four of our talented pianists: Bobby U6, Zara L5, Nic U5 and Alex L5. Each pupil had the opportunity to work one-on-one with Mr. Fripp, honing their skills on a piece of their choice. Mr Fripp’s expert guidance helped them to play with greater intention, focus on the quality of their sound, and infuse their performances with more character. The pupils thoroughly impressed Mr Fripp, both with their accomplished playing and with their ability to adapt almost immediately to his suggestions in front of an audience.

The evening culminated in a shared concert featuring performances from our scholars and Mr Fripp. Our pupils rose to the occasion, delivering sparkling performances in the first half, despite the added pressure of performing for such a celebrated musician. Any initial nerves were quickly dispelled, and we were all treated to a captivating second half by Mr Fripp. This included works by Bach, Liszt/Schubert transcriptions, and the formidable Liszt’s Après une lecture du Dante: Fantasia quasi Sonata—widely considered one of the most challenging pieces in the standard piano repertoire.

Many thanks to the Royal Overseas League and Lord Chadlington, who facilitated this wonderful opportunity for our pupils.

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