Our rowing team participated in an exciting indoor rowing competition last week, competing against 12 schools. Every team member put in a tremendous effort, demonstrating dedication, teamwork and resilience throughout the event.

All teams performed exceptionally well, creating a highly competitive and energetic atmosphere. Our rowers showed great determination and worked incredibly hard in every race. Their preparation and commitment were evident, and it was inspiring to see everyone push themselves to their limits.

At the end of the competition, we achieved an outstanding 3rd place overall out of 12 schools. This is a fantastic result and a testament to the hard work and perseverance of the entire team. We are extremely proud of how everyone handled the challenges of the day, maintaining focus, supporting one another, and giving their best performances. The standout races of the day were definitely the relay races where we won the Y11 boys’ and girls’ categories and the Y12/13 boys’ and girls’ races.

A big thank you to our coaches and everyone involved in making this event such a success. We look forward to building on this achievement in future competitions.

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