Several pupils woke up bright and early on Saturday 25 November to participate in a very chilly 96th House Cross Country Championship which saw over 90 competitors run the 4.5 miles from Nashenden Farm Lane. Alfred O beat his own time to set a new course record of 27:03. Congratulations to all who took part, with a particular nod to those that ran in fancy dress and of course, the three winners for each category:

Junior Boys

1. Thomas K (34:21)

2. Billy S

3. Oliver B

Junior Girls

1. Amelie V (42:50)

2. Erin H

3. Annie C

Senior Boys

1. Alfred O (27:03)

2. Charlie V

3. Nik H

Senior Girls 

1. Maggie D (42:46)

2. Chloe R

3. Sarah W

House Winner per Category 

Junior Boys – Crick

Junior Girls – Storrs

Senior Boys – Storrs

Senior Girls – Crick

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