It has been a busy week for General Knowledge at King’s School Rochester this week with the winner of the Nickless Prize revealed and three victories in the first round of Schools Challenge General Knowledge Competition, based on television’s “University Challenge”.

Two Senior (Sixth Form and Upper Fifth) teams won handsomely with 340:130 and 370:170 point victories over Bedford and Exeter Schools in their first round ties, while the Preparatory School team defeated Lady Eleanor Holles School, one of the nation’s top schools, by a margin of 330:220 points.

The Intermediate (Remove and Lower Fifth) team enjoyed a close contest against the City of London School, before surrendering an early lead to lose 230:370 points.

With a quiz for Parents this Friday (1 December) in aid of the School’s Charity, it is the chance for the “adults” to match the standards set by the School’s pupils!

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