Alex was awarded a Velvet Cap for being a member of the National Youth Concert Band (NYCB).
“I have been part of the National Youth Concert Band for several years which I enjoy thoroughly. They run two courses a year, one in Easter and one in summer, finishing with concerts in amazing venues that professional ensembles regularly perform in. I am normally on the 1st tenor saxophone chair in this group, but it can vary occasionally. My latest national achievement is being invited to take part in the National Youth Orchestra’s saxophone ensemble two-day course. Next up for me is continuing with the National Youth Concert Band and auditioning for the National Youth Orchestra on the clarinet, hoping to secure a full position there.”
Alex has also been a member of the Kent Youth Jazz Orchestra since 2018 and part of the Eynsford Concert Band since 2023. He wants to pursue his love of music in the future: “Long term, I really hope to see myself playing in pit bands in the West End, involved in big band works, maybe even having my own big band or ensemble. Just doing what I love, playing and inspiring others.”
Alex was delighted to receive the Velvet Cap in recognition of his co-curricular passion: “I feel completely honoured to be given such a prestigious award. It makes me so happy that the hard work is recognised, and individuals who achieve as I have are celebrated.”
At King’s, the Velvet Cap is the highest honour in co-curricular activities, awarded to pupils who have represented their country at the highest level.
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