Pupils studying classics visited the British Museum which provided a fascinating insight into the theme of civilisation over barbarism, particularly through the metopes of the Parthenon and the Bassae Frieze. The metopes, depicting the battle between the Lapiths and Centaurs, vividly illustrate the struggle between order and chaos, a key motif in Greek art and thought. Similarly, the Bassae Frieze, with its dynamic scenes of Greeks fighting Amazons and centaurs, reinforces the ideal of civilisation triumphing over savagery. These artworks not only highlight the Greeks’ perception of themselves as the defenders of culture and order but also serve as enduring symbols of these ideals.
Later, pupils attended UCL’s adaptation of Aristophanes’ Frogs, a play rich in political satire and literary criticism. The performance brought to life the comedic yet thought-provoking themes of the original text, demonstrating the continued relevance of classical drama. Interestingly, Lewis Bentley OR made his stage debut in Frogs in 2019 before going on to direct the production the following year, showcasing the ongoing legacy of classical theatre and successful impact of King’s Classicists.
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