Chadlington Scholar Aayusha S (U6) dreams of becoming a Doctor and for her work experience spent the week at Green Porch Medical Centre in Sittingbourne. Initially she was nervous about the placement: “It was quite far away and I would have to take the train, which is about an hour ride.” Her aim for the week was “to develop my skills such as problem solving and many more so that not only could I use these in the medical field, but also apply it into my day-to-day life. Furthermore, I wanted to learn about the extracurricular activities that have been completed by the Doctors there, so that I could try to do the same in order to get a better chance in getting into my preferred university”. Aayusha was asked to submit a CV, a valuable experience in itself as she had never needed one before!

During the week Aayusha had the opportunity to work in admin registering patients and doing online training, assist in the pharmacy, shadow Doctors and a nurse, and help on reception. A highlight of the week included a conversation with a staff member “that made me realise I really like talking about mental health. I felt very satisfied knowing I now knew what really interested me”.  The experience confirmed to Aayusha that she definitely wants to become a Doctor: “I am not sure which speciality I would like to do, but I have time to think about that. Skills such as communication and patience, alongside numerous other skills I developed during this placement would help me further down the line as these are everyday skills needed to work in the medical field”.

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