On a bee-utiful summer day the bees moved into their new homes in Satis House gardens. Two hives had already been purchased by the school in preparation for the new arrivals. Governor Wayne Smith and Rod Easton, President of the Mid Kent Bee Keepers’ Association, brought two nucs with them, each containing one laying queen bee and approximately 25,000 workers. Once Wayne and Rod had donned their protective gear, the bees were carefully introduced to their new home.
Shortly after arriving, searcher bees were sent out to explore the gardens and surrounding area for nectar. These bees communicate the location of the food source to the hive by performing a waggle dance. To help prepare them for winter, the bees will be fed sugar syrup once a week and each hive will consume 10 kilos of this to give them the best chance of survival. The hives may also be wrapped in a thermal layer once the colder weather arrives. We think the bees have settled in bee-rilliantly!
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