Last week, we witnessed our school’s democracy in action with the Junior and Senior Hustings, culminating in a formal ballot station on Thursday. This event allowed pupils to exercise their democratic right to vote, an important responsibility that encourages thoughtful reflection on leadership and representation. The atmosphere was filled with energy as candidates presented their speeches, offering their vision for the future of the school. It was wonderful to see pupils engaging with the process, considering who they wanted to represent them, and taking this opportunity to voice their opinions through their votes.

The Hustings also showcased some excellent public speaking, with both familiar and new faces stepping up to the stage. The courage and confidence displayed by all candidates were commendable, and it was inspiring to see the diversity of ideas and perspectives. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to those elected: Nifemi and Josephine (Removes), Gabriel and Elizabeth (L5), Divine (U5), Laura and Malik (L6), and Robbie (U6). Their success is well-deserved, and we look forward to seeing them contribute to the continued growth of our school community.

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