24 pupils in the Senior School are heading out to Kenya and Tanzania this summer to visit two school projects. During the academic year, we have been raising money as a school to assist these projects in their work, and I am pleased to let you know that we have raised enough money to buy the Tanzania school a second-hand car, and the Kenyan school solar panels and a suite of computers. Further fundraising this term will also be taken out as cash, and we hope to be able to report back in September the difference we were able to make to these two projects that rely on voluntary donations.
To that end, we would also like to take out useful materials to each of the projects. If you would like to donate to this worthy cause, there is a list of items below that we are collecting for the team to take out with us. Any support will be greatly appreciated, both by the Senior School team, and the pupils of the schools we are visiting.
Donations can be given to the school offices or left in the Chaplaincy office in Mackean House.
- Tennis balls
- Pens
- Pencils
- Drawing books
- Lightweight reading books (especially primary)
- Cuddly toys
- Deflated rugby or footballs
With thanks
Fr Stephen
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