Mrs Christie Ransom, a teacher of Mathematics in the Senior and Prep. Schools, visited the University of Kent last week to deliver a lecture on pathways and progression in teaching to a group of undergraduate students.
The Social Sciences in the Classroom module gives third year social science students the chance to learn about career opportunities in the education sector and also gain teaching experience. King’s is due to be hosting one of these students next term.
Mrs Ransom informed the students about the potential routes they can take for a teaching career, and the training opportunities available to attain a Qualified Teacher Status and progress through to the National Professional Qualifications.
As a facilitator on a number of National Professional Qualification (NPQs) courses delivered through the Kent Teaching School Hub, she says it is great to be able to represent King’s and share the opportunities that King’s offers for teachers.
“Teaching is undoubtedly a very rewarding career choice and I enjoy supporting those considering becoming a teacher or wanting to progress in their professions. We look forward to seeing how these aspiring teachers progress!” she adds.
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