We’ve got a lot to celebrate with an overall 96% pass rate (grade 4 and above) and a significant increase in performance compared to 2019 when public examinations were last taken in person.

Nearly a third of all grades were awarded at 8 and 9, with almost a half of grades at 7 or above.

Results were impressive across the whole range of core subjects (Maths, English, Sciences) as well as in option subjects including Music, Modern Foreign Languages, Computing and Design Technology.

Principal and Head of the Senior School at King’s, Ben Charles, said: “Today’s results are fantastic news for a broad ability, super-talented and diverse group of pupils. They have shown real confidence and determination to get the results they wanted – despite the impact of the pandemic – and this being the first set of public examinations taken in person for three years. King’s prides itself on bringing out the best in all our pupils and we are committed to supporting individuals with a wide range of abilities and talents to reach their true potential. I cannot wait to welcome them back into Sixth Form life here at King’s.”

He continued, “It is with the support of our parents and our inspiring teaching team here at King’s that we build a love of learning both in and outside the classroom. This not only helps pupils to achieve fantastic academic results but builds confidence for life. Thank you to them all, too.”

Today’s results follow hot on the heels of a great set of A Level results last week which saw 60% of pupils in the grammar stream achieve a grade A and above in all subjects. This exceeds the national average for both independent schools and secondary selective (grammar) schools (Source: www.gov.uk).

With 80% of all King’s’ A level grades being at A* to C, we are delighted that the vast majority of our pupils are sure of their place at the university of their choice.

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