On a glorious Rochester summer evening, the First XI played an Old Roffensians XI on the Paddock in a T20 game. The ORs batted first (they didn’t have eleven men to start with) and following an aggressive opening stand by Alaistair Saunders and Joe Middleton, which resulted in a couple of broken roof tiles on Chadlington, and aided by some determined lower-order batting, meant the ORs set an impressive target of 228 for the School. King’s responded in a determined fashion from ball one with Captain Freddy T leading the way, however after a fall of wickets the game looked to be heading towards the ORs. But, a stand of over 130 runs by Zane L and Louis D exercising impressive skills for two members of the L5th, ensured that the School made the target with 7 balls to spare.

Notable individual performances:


J Middleton 106
A Saunders 48
Jonah Lincoln 50

1st XI

F Taylor 56
Z Leigh 77*
L Darby 48*
J Ford 2-38

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