Pupils, teachers and staff did away with their uniforms for a day and dressed up as their favourite literary characters to celebrate World Book Day.

All was upside down in the small, quiet town of Rochester after Alice fell down the rabbit hole. During Morning Chapel in Rochester Cathedral, Superman dropped in to play the organ, and the walls resounded with the popular theme of the superhero franchise. There were multiple sightings of Mr Bump near The Vines and Harry Potter popped by School Hall during lunchtime to dig into delicious pasta and meatballs — but complained about the absence of his favourite treacle tart for dessert!

In the Prep. School..

The festivities were kicked off with a wonderful assembly by 4W exploring the theme of this year’s World Book Day, ‘Read Your Way’. Read Your Way calls on everyone to let go of pressure and expectations, giving children a choice – and a chance – to enjoy reading for at least 20 minutes every day. The goal is to create a habit of reading for pleasure, where we read books that captivate our imaginations and take us to places we have never been before.

During the day, pupils enjoyed playing book-themed quizzes and looking at the resources, videos and other information on the World Book Day Google Classrooms. Everyone made an incredible effort with their costumes, pupils and teachers alike! It was great to see such a variety of characters and authors. Thank you to staff, parents and carers for all your creativity and support.

Book Buddies

Throughout the week, pupils in the Preparatory School had the chance to read with pupils in the Pre-Prep. All the Prep School pupils were great reading ambassadors, sharing stories with the younger pupils and listening to them read. They made Mrs Rivers and Mrs Cross proud.

The Masked Reader

Mrs Rivers would like to thank the staff and pupils in the House Competition, ‘The Masked Reader’. Pupils had a lot of fun trying to guess the masked member of staff, the extract they were reading and its author each day! Congratulations to the winning house, Whiston, for accumulating the most points.

See pictures below.

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