“Reading for pleasure is a key indicator of a child’s future success. When children learn to read at an early age, they have greater general knowledge and a wider range of vocabulary, their reading is more fluent, and they have improved attention spans. Achieving good standards in reading is key to unlocking the rest of the curriculum and is an indicator of future success in further education, higher education, and employment.”
(Department for Education, March 2022)

Once again, I am thrilled to be able to tell you that this term’s Prep. School Book Fair was a great success and I would like to extend my huge thanks to everyone who allowed their children to buy books and returned their wish lists promptly.

I would also like to thank all of the Prep. School pupils and staff who were so keen and enthusiastic and also Rosie Hill, our independent bookseller, who did such a fantastic job of running the event. The atmosphere of excitement and positivity about reading for pleasure around school last week was fantastic!

As a result of the significant number of books ordered by parents, we have once again been able to spend the commission on a large number of brand new books for the Prep. School Library. These will be catalogued in the Lent Term and available for all children to borrow in future. Buying books from the Book Fairs for your own child benefits all pupils at King’s, and for that I would like to offer my sincere thanks.

Mrs E. Cross (Prep. School Head of English)

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