A beautiful service was held this morning in Rochester Cathedral to commemorate Remembrance Day. Mr Medhurst was the speaker for the service, and current pupils of King’s read the names of the Roffensians recorded on the School War Memorial to the congregation. There were solo performances from within both the choir and orchestra, and The Last Post was played perfectly – bound to have created a flood of memories for many. Wreaths of poppies were laid in the Lady Chapel by the Principal and the Heads of School on behalf of present pupils, the President of the Old Roffensians’ Society on behalf of past pupils, the Chair of Governors on behalf of the Governing body, the Contingent Commander of the School who represents the C.C.F and an additional wreath was laid this year on behalf of the Royal Army Medical Corps. At the end of the service, the congregation were welcomed to lay their own poppies down by the wreaths already laid in an act of individual remembrance.

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