We have taken a significant step in our commitment to sustainability with the installation of solar panels on our School swimming pool. This initiative is a key part of King’s pledge to become net zero by 2034, highlighting the School’s dedication to reducing energy consumption and its carbon footprint.
Our 63 panel installation is set to generate 28,542kWh’s of green energy in the very first year. Which means that over a period of 15 years – the time it takes for a pupil to journey from Nursery through to graduating Sixth Form at King’s (like Alex and Toby pictured above) – this equates to a reduction of approximately 86 tonnes in our carbon footprint. To visualise this impact, it is akin to the carbon absorption capacity of about 250 fully mature trees.

Governors and Principal: Mr Maas; Mr Charles, Rev’d Hesketh
The Chair of Governors, John Maas CBE, stresses the importance of this project in the School’s wider energy management and environmental responsibility efforts. The installation of solar panels not only demonstrates King’s proactive approach to sustainability but also serves as a foundational step for future environmental projects at the School.
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