Our Year 8 pupils embarked on an unforgettable 5-day residential trip to the Peak District, staying at the charming Peak Centre in the picturesque village of Edale. This trip was a true test of independence as pupils left behind their home comforts to either stay in dormitories or camped outside, taking on the responsibility of cleaning rooms and looking after themselves all without their phones! 

The week was packed with thrilling activities that pushed pupils to their limits and helped them face their fears. They scaled rock faces, abseiled off a viaduct, hiked challenging hills, and navigated tight spaces while weaselling. Each day brought new challenges and adventures, with pupils supporting each other and building resilience.

The excitement didn’t end there. The final day saw the group heading to Alton Towers for a thrill-seeking adventure. Pupils chose their degree of ‘spiciness’ when it came to the rides. The bravest, in the Vindaloo and Phall groups, tackled the most intense rides such as Wicker Man, The Smiler, and Colossus. Meanwhile, the Korma and Butter Chicken groups enjoyed the gentler attractions like the Runaway Train, Congo Rapids, Marauders Mayhem, and even a visit to the aquarium.

After a fantastic week of adventures, laughter, and bonding, it was time to head home. The journey back was a celebration in itself, with everyone aboard the party coach, rocking out to Mr. Morgan’s playlist.

Our Year 8 pupils returned home glad to see their families but filled with pride and joy from their experiences. This incredible week not only boosted their confidence and built resilience but also strengthened friendships and created memories that will last a lifetime.

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