Faces have been blurred if photography consent has not been given.

On Monday 17th June, Year 6 set off on their five-day adventure to France! Accompanied by Mrs Cross, Mr Mahenga, Mrs Marshall, Mr Medhurst and Mrs Wright, they boarded the coach at 5.45am and they were off! After a brief stop for breakfast at the terminal in Folkestone, they boarded Le Shuttle and in no time at all, they arrived in Calais. Many of the children had never been on a coach, on a train, under the sea before and their minds boggled at the concept!

The rest of the day was full of historical interest with a visit to the Thiepval Memorial which commemorates the 72,337 men who lost their lives during the Battle of the Somme, followed by a brief stop at the incredible Lochnagar Crater. When they arrived at the Chateau, dinner was served, everyone took part in a scavenger hunt and then settled in to their pods for a good night’s sleep.

Tuesday began with an early breakfast and then a day in Paris, where everyone enjoyed a boat ride along the Seine, complete with a close-up view of the Eiffel Tower, complete with Olympic rings and then a trip to the observation deck on the 56th floor of the Montparnasse Tower where pupils marvelled at the spectacular panoramic views of the city.

On Wednesday the morning was spent in the beautiful city of Amiens, where pupils completed challenges set by Mme Warne, including ordering food and drinks in French and locating the beautiful 16th Century rose window in the stunning Cathédrale Notre-Dame d’Amiens. The pupils were incredibly polite and well-behaved and thoroughly enjoyed their day of sightseeing and shopping before heading back to the Chateau for a game of pétanque followed by some volleyball.

However, the highlight of the week, for many, was Thursday’s outing to Parc Asterix, where much fun was had by all. Thrill-seekers enjoyed the awesome Goudurix, the incredible Oziris and Mrs Cross’ personal favourite, Toutatis, which made her scream so much she completely lost her voice! However, there was something for everyone, with lots of pupils enjoying getting drenched on the water rides, spinning in Les Chaudrons or being whizzed around on La Tour de Numérobis and Le Cheval de Troie. Exhausted but happy, everyone returned to the chateau to enjoy a delicious dinner as well as the chance to try eating snails, if they were feeling brave.

On Friday, after a filling breakfast of cereal, croissants and pains au chocolat, everyone said goodbye to the chateau and boarded the coach for the last time. After a brief stop at a supermarché to buy some sweets and souvenirs, the final stop was at a small boulangerie, where pupils learned how artisan loaves are made and then had a chance to make their own croissants. Then they hopped back on the coach and before they knew it, they had arrived back in Rochester, ready to be reunited with their parents.

Huge thanks to all of the teachers who gave up their time to accompany the trip and a huge well done to all of the pupils, many of whom stepped outside their comfort zone, travelling overseas without their families for the first time and surviving to tell the tale!

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