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Faces have been blurred if photography consent has not been given.

An exciting joint Year 1 and Year 7 Geography Fieldwork project took place last week. Together, they explored the quality of life in Rochester. The young investigators spent time collecting data through an environmental quality survey, interviews with residents, and even conducting car counts to assess pollution levels and the area’s popularity. It was heart-warming to see Year 7 pupils taking such good care of the Year 1s.

The tasks were developed to suit the learning abilities of both age groups, ensuring a meaningful learning experience for everyone involved. The behaviour of both Year 1 and Year 7 pupils throughout the fieldwork was exemplary. The Year 7 pupils left a lasting impression on their teachers and the public with the exceptional care they provided to their younger buddies, although some Year 7s reflected on the challenges their own parents might have faced in looking after them when they were younger!

The collaborative effort and genuine empathy displayed by all involved truly brought the project to life, highlighting the values of teamwork and support that flourish within our school community.

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