With the general election looming, Year 2 decided to run their own version with help from Sixth Form politics pupils.  Starting with Rishi Sunak and what the Prime Minister does, pupils created their own manifestos, nominated candidates, ran their hustings then voted.

There was some amazing political knowledge, with Tamara A explaining how many seats Sunak needs for a majority, Labour and Conservative identified, and pupils talking about why we vote in secret.  The manifesto ideas ranged from gardening club and golden time all day, to dogs in the classroom and no rules at all!  At the end, Eliana I won the seat for Storrs, being returned with a majority of 1.

The pupils were all hugely engaged with the election process, and we were all so impressed with how much they knew.  Thank you to Year 2, staff and the Sixth Form for such a great afternoon.

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