Years 4 and 5 were lucky enough to get a visit from actors from the Young Shakespeare Company last week. They spent the afternoon learning about “Romeo and Juliet” and then acted as the feuding Montagues and Capulets as part of this interactive performance. A number of volunteers were chosen to act named parts in the play and all pupils were invited to share ideas and suggestions for how the characters might be feeling and predicting what might happen next, during the workshop. At the end of the performance, the pupils impressed the actors by answering questions about different aspects of the play.
I would like to thank all of the staff who attended the workshop to supervise the children on a Friday afternoon very near to the end of term! But an even bigger thank you and well done goes to the children, who were incredibly well-behaved throughout the afternoon, sitting quietly and following the plot of the play with an impressive level of maturity and concentration. Well done Years 4 and 5!
Mrs E Cross (Prep. School Head of English)
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