King’s pupils secure first choice university places

Excitement filled the air as King’s School Rochester pupils opened their A Level results, many of which opened doors to top universities. The Class of 2023 achieved excellent results, with almost a quarter of all grades achieved at A*/A and over three quarters of grades being at A*-C, an improvement on 2019. King’s ‘grammar stream’ pupils also excelled with 41% of grades awarded being A*/A.

Considering the return to tougher pre-pandemic gradings nationwide and the fact that these are the first set of public exams taken by the Class of 2023, we are immensely proud to see that once again our King’s leavers head off to study an impressive breadth of subjects at some of the top universities in the country. From Pure Mathematics with placement year, Sports Management and Art at Loughborough, English Literature and Creative Writing at Kent, Economics at Queen Mary, and a number of Law students heading to Lancaster, East Anglia and Durham.

Ben Charles, Principal of King’s and Headmaster of the Senior School, said “I am incredibly proud of each and every one of our Class of 2023. They have achieved great things in their time at King’s, both academically and personally. As a non-selective school, personal growth and individual success are paramount and I’m delighted that the majority of pupils have secured their first choice destinations.

This year-group has dealt with the pressure of sitting their first set of public exams admirably, and I am confident that our pupils leave not only with a fantastic set of grades but also a skill set of practical competencies that will prepare them for life beyond school.

I am also grateful to our hardworking and inspiring team of teachers, who have always gone above and beyond to get the best out of our pupils. They have encouraged our pupils to think and not just regurgitate; rather to develop the problem-solving, creative, and resilient skills that they will need to succeed in the future.

I am thrilled to see our pupils progressing to such a wide range of universities and courses. This is testament to their hard work and dedication, and it also reflects the diversity of talent that we nurture at King’s. I know that they will all continue to achieve great things in the years to come, and I wish them all the best in their future endeavours.”

Read pupils individual stories here

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