Commemoration Day 2023 was a day of records! We believe it was the hottest Commem Day we have had this century, and one of the best attended with over 850 Guests, Old Roffensians, Parents, and Pupils attending the service and around 400 joining the lunch. The day had many highlights and started with Bishop Dr.Jonathan Gibbs’ sermon about appreciating history but also looking forward and improving on our ancestors’ endeavours. After much-needed refreshments, we were able to watch the OR Netball team beat the School in a tight match 18 to 17, and two Cricket teams battle it out, for the final time for the Glyn Davies shield, fittingly won by the “less young” Old Roffensians. During the afternoon, tours of the buildings with the prefects of today were conducted, and lots of opportunities were allowed for ORs to remember the good times of KSR. As a finale, we enjoyed an Open Mic night with Past and current pupils, showcasing their talents to raise over £600 for the Papyrus, Prevention of Young Suicide charity.

The School was delighted to host so many people at this celebration of the new School Year and to celebrate the recent series of excellent examination results. We were proud to show the KSR of today, which is looking to offer more transformational bursaries and enhance the current facilities. Put a date in your diaries – the next Commemoration Day will be 7 September 2024!

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