‘Tis the season of giving and we’re delighted to announce that the King’s community has raised £1,967 for this year’s school charities: Worldwide Silver Lining, Magnet School in Ongata Rongai and MAPED in Tanzania. 

We had a great turnout for Quiz Night last Friday with 14 teams bringing together parents, pupils, governors and staff, raising £750.  This year the Principal’s team ‘The Leftovers’ emerged victorious with a score of 78/100. Following closely behind, ‘Quiz Team Aguilera’ secured second place with 75/100, while the ‘Celtic Lunatic Fringe’ claimed third place with 71/100. A special thanks to Mr Medhurst, the grand master of General Knowledge, for creating the quiz and hosting on the night.

Our pupils contributed significantly, raising £1,217 through a uniform-free day. The Pre-Preparatory School raised £311 for AMAT, a charity that works to improve access to safe accommodation for everyone. Whilst, the Preparatory and Senior Schools collectively raised £906 for initiatives in East Africa and Tanzania.

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