King’s Academic Scholars meet every Monday lunchtime. This term members of the Zetountes Society have been challenged to provide “Four Minute Snippets”, short presentations on individuals who have challenged the thinking of their contemporaries. This week four Lower Sixths took the floor.  Shiv L started by addressing the issues of intersectionality in his study of Katherine Johnson, the NASA mathematician who challenged stereotypes surrounding African-American women in STEM fields. Kimran S then offered a glimpse into the extraordinary life of Indian women’s activist Kasturba Gandhi, while Cara J spoke eloquently on the career of photographer Lee Miller, who as a war correspondent for Vogue, covered events such as the London Blitz, the liberation of Paris and the concentration camps at Buchenwald and Dachau. Charles B concluded the session with a focus on Isaac Newton, debunking the story of the falling apple underpinning the discovery of gravity. Each presenter is to be commended on the quality of their presentations on four inspirational figures.

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