Emily C (7W) retained her lead from Round One of the Nickless Prize for General Knowledge, her total of 150 points extending her lead over classmate Emma H, who confirmed her runner-up position in the overall competition. These two will be awarded prizes in July’s Speech Day. Christopher H and Bethan K tied for third place, as 7W completed a clean sweep of the podium places. Congratulations are due to these pupils for their excellent showing in the 55th running of the contest.

Charlotte J (8M) finished narrowly behind the 7W quartet, while four points separated the remaining five pupils. Ethan O (5W), in finishing eighth, reprised his strong showing in the First Round to finish three points ahead of Rahul S (5N/P) to claim the unofficial “junior” title. Ethan O was joined by Roman G (6H) as centurions scoring a “full-house” in the Second Round, a tribute to their research and memorisation skills, while Christopher H, Leo D (5C) and Ethan H (7W) all stumbled with their Möbius strips, nonetheless scoring an impressive 99 points.

Indeed, with some fiendishly difficult questions this year, it was encouraging to see a significant increase in the scores of the majority of pupils over the two rounds of the contest, signalling profitable work in the family library or with Mr Google over the half-term break.

In the House Competition, with an average of 50.06 points per pupil, Crick finished in first place from Whiston, with a little more than five points per pupil covering all four houses.

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