Our new allotment space in the Pre-Prep playground is all thanks to a Pre-Prep Eco Council initiative as part of the Sustainability project led by Laura MacDonald and Katja Neubauer, all of whom are keen to promote growth, gardening and plant to plate Science topics in our School.

Zabrina Wilton, the Chairperson of The Old Roffensian Society, raised funds for the project and Andy Ratcliffe, who is an OR and one of the committee members, kindly hand-made the planters for us.

A big thank you also goes to Bourne Amenity Ltd. who provided two tonnes of free compost and Chantry Community Academy for inspiring us, led by Helen Caithness who recently won the ‘Environment and Sustainability Award’ for their Wellbeing Allotment and growing their own food.

Our Pre-Prep children are really looking forward to nurturing our new edible plants and watching the fruit and vegetables ripen, ready for our first crop in Summer!

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