
Friends and family of the Prep School were treated to an evening of singing, playing and dancing on Tuesday, featuring an array of pupils of all ages, from Year 4’s outstanding reprise performance of Captain Noah all the way through to the Senior String Orchestra playing extracts from Peter Warlock’s Capriol Suite, unconducted!

Highlights included the Wind Band playing a joyous rendition of Pharrell William’s “Happy”, the poised and elegant Ballet dancers’ interpretation of Adolphe Adam’s Valse from “Giselle”, Brass Monkey’s patriotic (and upstanding) performance of the National Anthem and Superstrings’ lusty playing of Skip to my Lou.

Special mention must go to the performance of an extract from Act I of Bizet’s Carmen featuring not only the Year 5 Create & Sing Opera stars but the Prep School Orchestra, featuring, in his debut performance in the percussion department, Mr Bailey – the first of many, we hope! It was a joyful event and a wonderful celebration of pupils’ hard work throughout the year. Congratulations to everyone involved!

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