Rochester Cathedral welcomed over 750 people who gathered for the traditional King’s Senior School ‘Service of Nine Lessons and Carols.’ Illuminated by flickering candlelight, the congregation enjoyed the traditional nine Bible lessons and soul-stirring carols, beautifully performed by the Senior School choir, accompanied by organist Jeremy Lloyd, King’s Brass and the exceptional talents of our pupil organists: Hugh D, Alex M, Alex S, and William L.  Isla M. accompanied the atmospheric introit on the cello: Gjeilo’s O Magnum Mysterium, performed from the Lady Chapel.  We bade a fond farewell to Mr. Lewis on trumpet after eight years of service.

The retiring collection from the service will provide support for the School charities, aiding the Magnet school in Kenya and the MAPED school in Tanzania, ensuring assistance reaches those in need during this season of giving.

Following the service, Principal Ben Charles extended a warm invitation to the congregation to join in festive refreshments at the School. A perfect way to end the Michaelmas term and begin the Christmas celebrations.

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