On the evening of Thursday 30th June, Rochester Cathedral was filled with excited pupils, parents and staff for the Summer concert, with music from the senior school ensembles and solos from our leavers.
The first half comprised some elegant and powerful solos from Imogen, Oliver, Rachel, Temi and Edward, culminating in a performance by the whole orchestra, bringing the assembled audience to their feet to sing Jerusalem. Tonight was a particularly special occasion, as we heard performances of Temi, Edward and Imogen’s Pre-U compositions.
After a refreshing interval, King’s Brass started the second half with three pieces, culminating in a rip-roaring performance of Gonna Fly Now. The choir followed with two pieces, the last of which was immediately encored by the Principal, who joined us to delight in our ‘choralography’ dance moves in Chilcott’s ‘Ev’ry Time I Feel the Spirit’. We had heard Mr. Charles sing on previous occasions, but nobody had expected him to throw such shapes.
The Wind Band and Jazz band were expertly directed by Mr. Vinall, who was applauded for his incredible 40 years of service at King’s. Mr. Hyde was also mentioned in despatches for his ten years of service as he finishes his time at King’s this term. Finally, the contribution of our Upper Sixth musicians: Ralitsa, Maddie, Scarlett, Phoebe, Anna, Temi, Edward, Oliver, Imogen, Rachel and Callum were celebrated through speeches and applause before we reprised three numbers from Fiddler on the Roof.
My sincere thanks go to the staff who supported the event and made everything run so smoothly, both musically and operationally: Ms. Hebden, Mr. Bailey, Mr. Gietzmann, Ms. Catlett, Rvd, Padfield, Mr. Holmes, Mrs. Hines, Mr. Bettley, Mr. Hyde, Mr. Vinall, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Johnson, Ms. Morrice, Ms. Hartley, Mrs. Nathan and Mr. Morgan. It was also a pleasure to welcome back Mrs. Thorpe (viola) and Damian Dimitrov OR (violin). Also our thanks to our dedicated marketing, maintenance and catering departments for helping us promote the event and arrange the logistics.
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