On the last day of the Lent term, the Senior School followed the last week of Jesus’ life in the Holy Week service. A narrator guided us through the story, complemented by exquisite singing from our Senior Choir and readings that brought to life the events surrounding the death of Jesus. Ten servers, the Heads of School, King’s Scholars and the choir led the service, moving from the Palm Sunday procession to the foot of the Cross.

The service observed six ancient Holy Week traditions,

  • triumphal processions on Palm Sunday
  • washing of feet and the distribution of Communion, as Jesus commanded (mandated’: hence ‘Maundy’) on Maundy Thursday
  • adoration of Jesus in the Sacrament
  • stripping of the altar
  • veneration of the Cross on Good Friday

After the Easter break, pupils will reconvene to participate in the Paschal Eucharist, a celebration of the Resurrection.

This Holy Week service, rooted in tradition and faith, offered our community a moment to pause, reflect, and prepare our hearts for the profound Easter message of renewal and hope.

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