What better way to celebrate our love of stories and books than to rise to the challenge of the King’s Book Quest?

This year, we gave the Seniors the opportunity to crack a series of clues to match books to the teachers who chose them. Could they track down the teachers wearing extra tags on their lanyards and decode the symbols, quotations and hints to identify well-known books?

Enthused by the challenge (and possibly the promise of edible prizes), pupils submitted their answers at the close of the day. The prize for exhibiting the greatest tenacity (and the highest number of correct answers) goes to Sam H in the Lower Sixth who chased down the most clues. Hot on his heels: Sage L (Lower Sixth), Alice H (Lower Fifth), Azzurra M (Lower Fifth), Violet W (Lower Fifth) and Erin H (Lower Fifth). Well done!

Head of English Mrs McCarthy 

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