This week Ella, Daya, Herbie, and Mr Carroll were invited to the Annual Medway Youth Conference held at Midkent College’s GlassBox Theatre.

It was great to see how articulate and eloquent the members of the Preparatory and Senior School Councils were. They engaged wholeheartedly throughout the day and represented King’s brilliantly, showing real compassion and consideration when discussing issues relating to those less fortunate than themselves.

It was also an important reminder on how privileged we are compared to some of the other schools in the local area.  One example was from a pupil who attends a pupil referral school.  He  talked about the greatest impact on learning being when other classmates deliberately throw items into monitors and destroy equipment that the school then does not have the money to repair, replace, or restore.

As members of the Medway Youth Council, Ella, Daya, and Herbie’s compassion, empathy, and kindness shone through.  Well done!!

If you would like more information about taking part in this initiative and being an ambassador for King’s at the Medway Youth Council, please contact Mr Carroll who can put you in touch with the Participation Worker – Karen Yusuf.

Mr Carroll

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