Latest NEWS
With such an abundance of talent, there is always something exciting happening at King’s.
In a remarkable achievement Max C (8W) has become the U12 World Champion of the FISTF Sports Table Football [...]
Year 2 have been learning about habitats and finding out why living things live in different places, how they [...]
This week marked the age-old tradition of the House Conkers Competition at the Prep School. This year saw the [...]
Sixth Form Politics pupils visited two major UK institutions on Monday. First was the Houses of Parliament, which started [...]
Four RAF cadets; Alex, Ben, Sage and Angelika, soared to new heights on Sunday, 29th September, as they embarked [...]
L6 Psychology pupils have been learning different concepts in a variety of unusual ways. In a lesson about correlations [...]
In Science, Year 3 have been learning about rocks and soils. This week we created edible soil profiles to [...]
King’s were delighted to host another exciting Orchestra Day this year, welcoming over 70 young musicians from seven schools [...]
Year 3 enjoyed making replica Roman coins on our trip to the Roman Museum last week. This week in [...]
Talented Thomas in Year 3 loves art and has impressed his teachers with his art skills. Last Friday, Thomas [...]