Latest NEWS
With such an abundance of talent, there is always something exciting happening at King’s.
Pupils have been busy nominating which charities will benefit from fundraising activities throughout this school year. The new School Council [...]
A poster design competition has been launched under the theme ‘Languages for Peace’ with prizes and a chance to have [...]
Pupils across the School wore green to celebrate the launch of an innovative Green Curriculum and King's wider focus on [...]
In what was hopefully the first of many such occasions, some of our music scholars were treated to a [...]
Did you know that there are more than 25 different home languages at King’s School? From Afrikaans to Mandarin, [...]
We have been advised by the Council of their plans to make King Edward Road and Lockington Grove into a [...]
Yesterday our U15’s played their first girls’ football fixture away at Sackville School. In what was an entertaining fixture King’s [...]
As part of our ongoing connection with the Christian Masai school in Tanzania that the Senior school visited in the [...]
Over the past few weeks, our boarders have been settling into life at King’s with gusto. Each weekend, the boarding [...]
Last Saturday, the PPS hosted their Summer Welcome Fete to celebrate the start of the new school year. The PPS [...]